Effortlessly discover the ideal eyebrow shape that suits your face shape. This article takes you directly to the shapes that best highlight your face. Are you ready to take the first step toward your perfect eyebrows? Let's start under the motto "Find the perfect eyebrow shape for your face shape"!

The Essentials at a Glance

  • The shape of the eyebrows has a significant impact on the facial expression and emphasizes facial features.

  • The face shape determines the ideal eyebrow shape: oval needs a curved arch, round a high arch, heart-shaped a soft arch, and square broad brows with structure.

  • Good eyebrow care, as well as proper shaping and filling gaps with suitable products, can significantly improve the appearance of the brows.

The Importance of Eyebrow Shape for the Face

An illustration of different eyebrow shapes highlighting the importance of eyebrow shape for the face

Have you ever thought about how important your eyebrow shape really is? Well, they have a huge impact on your facial expression and non-verbal communication. Through their movement and shape, eyebrows express emotions and significantly contribute to non-verbal communication. They play a crucial role in determining your overall look and expression.

Eyebrows also have the ability to accentuate the eye area in different ways. They can either highlight or soften the strengths and flaws of your face. They shape and frame your eyes, which are a key feature for the perception of your face. The trend today is a natural look, but that doesn't mean your eyebrows shouldn't look groomed. They should always appear neat and corrected if necessary.

Determine Your Face Shape

Before you start shaping your eyebrows, it's important to determine your face shape. You should tie your hair back to reveal the contour lines of your face and analyze them carefully in the mirror. But what exactly should you look for?

There are four main face shapes:

  1. Oval: A gently curved contour line with the widest point at the cheekbones and a rounded chin and hairline.

  2. Round: A broad, full cheek area, with the width and height of the face being almost equal.

  3. Heart-shaped: Resembles an inverted triangle, with a wider forehead and cheekbones tapering to a narrow, often pointed chin.

  4. Square: Prominent, angular contours, and clearly defined angles.

Oval Face

An oval face shape has a gently curved contour line with the widest point at the cheekbones and a rounded chin and hairline.

Round Face

A round face has a broad, full cheek area, with the width and height of the face being almost equal.

Heart-shaped Face

A heart-shaped face resembles an inverted triangle, with a wider forehead and cheekbones tapering to a narrow, often pointed chin.

Square Face

A square face has prominent, angular contours and clearly defined angles.

Perfect Eyebrow Shapes for Different Face Shapes

Now that you know your face shape, we can turn to the specific eyebrow shapes that best suit each face shape. It's important to note that the individual face shape is crucial for eyebrow shaping to highlight or balance certain facial features.

Oval Face Shape

An artistic representation of an ideal eyebrow shape for oval face shapes

For an oval face shape, thick, defined brows with a beautiful arch are ideal. Wider brows with an angled arch and dense eyebrows that have a harmonious arch are especially suitable for oval face shapes.

Brows on an oval face shape can also have a slight to medium arch, which can be slightly angular to draw attention to the eyes. A eyebrow serum can help to optimally care for the brows, especially if you focus on the outer end of the brows.

Round Face Shape

A creative illustration of broad, structured brows for round face shapes

If you have a round face, then broad, structured brows with an angled and high arch are ideal. To avoid making the face appear even rounder, rounded brow shapes should be avoided.

The suitable eyebrow shape can help elongate the face visually and, with the use of a highlighter under the brow arch, make the face appear slimmer. The right eyebrow shape plays a crucial role in this. In our Eyebrow Guide, you'll find helpful tips to find the perfect eyebrow shape for your face and shape your eyebrows into the perfect brow shape.

Heart-shaped Face

An artistic depiction of rounded, soft brow arches for heart-shaped face shapes

For a heart-shaped face, where the forehead is broad and the chin tapers to a point, rounded brows with a soft arch are ideal. A natural look with softly plucked, narrower brow arches is preferred for heart-shaped faces.

Rounded or flat brow shapes should be avoided to best highlight the heart-shaped facial features and the ideal brow shape.

Square Face Shape

An artistic depiction of broader eyebrow shapes with a visible angle for square face shapes

If you have a square face, then broader eyebrow shapes with a visible angle and structured arch are recommended. They can help make your face appear longer and softer.

An additional arch in the eyebrows can help make a face look softer by visually softening the prominent parts of a square face, emphasizing the eyebrow while not forgetting to pluck the eyebrows.

Oval Face

What to do: For an oval face shape, thick, defined brows with a beautiful arch are ideal. Wider brows with an angled arch and dense eyebrows that have a harmonious arch are especially suitable for oval face shapes.

What to avoid: Avoid brows that are too thin or flat, as they can disrupt the natural proportions of the face.

Round Face

What to do: If you have a round face, then broad, structured brows with an angled and high arch are ideal. The suitable eyebrow shape can help elongate the face visually.

What to avoid: Avoid rounded brow shapes, as they can make the face appear even rounder.

Heart-shaped Face

What to do: For a heart-shaped face, rounded brows with a soft arch are ideal. A natural look with softly plucked, narrower brow arches is preferred.

What to avoid: Avoid brow shapes that are too flat or sharp, as they can make the facial features appear unharmonious.

Square Face

What to do: If you have a square face, then broader eyebrow shapes with a visible angle and structured arch are recommended. These can help make the face appear visually softer and longer.

What to avoid: Avoid brows that are too thin and rounded, as they can accentuate the angular facial features.

Tools and Methods for Eyebrow Shaping

Now that you know which eyebrow shape best suits your face shape, you need the right tools and methods to shape your eyebrows. Choosing the right tool is crucial for successful eyebrow shaping and avoiding common mistakes. There are various methods for eyebrow shaping, including:

  • using tweezers

  • the threading technique

  • Waxing

  • Shaving

The eyebrow tweezer is the most common tool for eyebrow shaping. It allows you to precisely remove individual hairs to achieve the desired eyebrow shape. However, tweezing with tweezers can be somewhat painful and requires patience and skill. The threading technique is another method where two stretched threads are used to remove hairs. This method captures many hairs at once and is therefore faster than tweezing with tweezers.

Waxing is another method for eyebrow shaping, where wax is applied to the skin and then removed with a strip to remove the hairs at the root. Waxing can be done at home with either cold wax strips or warm wax. Shaving is a less common method for eyebrow shaping, which is mainly popular with men. When shaving the eyebrows, it's important to tighten the skin and use stencils to find the shape. A shaving gel can prevent skin irritation, but more frequent application is necessary, as the hairs are not removed at the root.

Makeup and Emphasize Eyebrows

Once you've found the perfect shape for your eyebrows and shaped them accordingly, it's time to apply makeup and emphasize them. With an eyebrow pencil or powder, you can emphasize your eyebrows and fill in gaps. For lighter eyebrows, a brow powder or brow mascara that is one shade darker than the hair color is recommended to highlight them.

If there are individual gaps, eyebrow powder in at least two shades or an eyebrow pencil can be used for precise definition. A highlighter, applied above and below the eyebrows, makes the eyes appear more alert. For a permanent solution, the eyebrows can be tinted in a shade that matches the hair color to achieve a gradual darkening. It is important to ensure that the colors appear harmonious.

Avoid Common Mistakes

When shaping and applying makeup to the eyebrows, there are some common mistakes that you should definitely avoid. For oval face shapes, extremely narrow brows should be avoided. Instead, aim for full and well-defined shapes to maintain a natural appearance. For a square face shape, straight eyebrows with little arch can be a flattering and natural alternative.

There are also some specific tips to keep in mind when it comes to eyebrow makeup. Here are some examples:

  • For blonde hair, for example, choose an eyebrow product with gray tones to avoid an unnatural brown tone and an artificial look.

  • Too frequent tweezing can lead to unpleasant side effects, including the destruction of the renewal mechanism of the hair follicles. Therefore, it's important to be careful when tweezing to avoid damage.

  • Trimming eyebrows is a common practice, but the fear of making mistakes can cause some to shy away from it.

Promote Eyebrow Care and Growth

Caring for and promoting the growth of your eyebrows is an important step to have permanently beautiful and healthy eyebrows. There are a number of recommended products for eyebrow care, including specific products for eyebrows:

  • Eyebrow oil or serum

  • Eyebrow scrub

  • Moisturizer

  • Aftercare gel

Of course, there are natural alternatives to promote the growth of your eyebrows without relying on expensive products. Coconut oil, known for its nourishing properties, can strengthen the hair roots and contribute to fuller eyebrows. A cost-effective option is also castor oil, which strengthens the hair root and stimulates growth. Aloe Vera supports the repair of hair follicles and thus also promotes growth, while onion or garlic juice, due to their high sulfur content, can improve blood circulation and thus the growth of the eyebrows.

Additionally, using specific eyebrow serums that contain keratin or soy protein can stimulate hair growth. A daily massage supports the growth of the eyebrows by promoting blood circulation and stimulating growth. Even a mild facial scrub can support eyebrow growth by promoting blood circulation.


Face Shape Suitable Eyebrow Shapes Unsuitable Eyebrow Shapes
Oval Thick, defined brows with a beautiful arch Too thin or flat brow shapes
Round Broad, structured brows with an angled and high arch Round brow shapes
Heart-shaped Rounded brows with a soft arch Too flat or too sharp brow shapes
Square Broad brows with a visible angle and structured arch Too thin and rounded brow shapes

In this blog, we have extensively explored how to find the perfect eyebrow shape for each face shape. We have seen how important eyebrows are for facial expression and non-verbal communication, and how they accentuate the eye area and influence facial features. We have learned how to determine your face shape and which brow shapes best suit the different face shapes.

We looked at the various tools and methods for eyebrow shaping and how to use them. We provided tips and tricks for applying makeup and emphasizing the eyebrows and highlighted common mistakes to avoid. Finally, we addressed eyebrow care and promoting their growth, both through recommended products and natural alternatives.


1. Which eyebrow shape is best for an oval face shape?

  • High Arch
  • Curved Arch
  • Straight Line

2. What is the best eyebrow style for a round face?

  • Rounded Brows
  • Broad, structured brows with a high arch
  • Thin, short brows

3. Which statement about eyebrow care is correct?

  • Tweezing should be done frequently to maintain shape.
  • Good eyebrow care can improve the appearance of the brows.
  • Eyebrows should never be shaped or filled.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I determine my face shape?

To determine your face shape, tie your hair back and look at the contours of your face in the mirror. Pay particular attention to the width of your forehead, cheekbones, and jaw area, as well as the shape of your chin.

Which eyebrow shape suits an oval face?

For oval face shapes, softly curved brows are ideal, featuring a harmonious arch that is not too strongly defined. This shape emphasizes the natural proportions of the face.

Can I shape my eyebrows at home?

Yes, you can shape your eyebrows at home with the right technique and tools, such as tweezers or thread. It's important to be careful and only tweeze the hairs that grow outside your ideal brow shape.

Which products help with eyebrow growth?

Products like eyebrow serums containing peptides or keratin can promote growth. Natural oils like castor oil or coconut oil are also popular for nourishing hair follicles and supporting growth.

How do I avoid common mistakes when applying eyebrow makeup?

Avoid over-coloring or over-drawing the eyebrows. Choose a color that matches your hair color well, and use light strokes to make the eyebrows look natural. Be careful not to tweeze too often to maintain the natural growth direction of the hairs.

Your Jessi 💖