So bekommst du längere Wimpern zu Hause

Get longer lashes at home

Wer träumt nicht von langen, vollen Wimpern, die den Augenaufschlag perfektionieren? Der Weg zu beeindruckenden Wimpern muss nicht kompliziert oder teuer sein...

Wie man eine Wimpernpflege-Routine erstellt

How to Create an Eyelash Care Routine

A well-structured eyelash care routine is the key to healthy, long, and voluminous lashes. But where do you start? In this blog, you will learn how to develop a routine step by step that...

Augenbrauenpflege für Anfänger

Eyebrow care for beginners

Perfectly groomed eyebrows are the secret to an expressive face. Whether you prefer a natural look or want to create dramatic accents...

Sommerpflege für Wimpern und Augenbrauen: Die besten Tipps für heiße Tage

Summer care for eyelashes and eyebrows: the best tips for hot days

Your eyelashes and eyebrows deserve special attention in summer. Intense UV rays, heat and sweat can quickly dry out and weaken them – but it doesn't have to be that way!

Microblading vs Augenbrauenserum: Was ist besser für perfekte Augenbrauen?

Microblading vs eyebrow serum: Which is better for perfect eyebrows?

When it comes to perfectly shaped and thick eyebrows, two methods are particularly popular: microblading and eyebrow serum. Supermodel Cara Delevingne has had a strong influence on the trend for bushy and beautifully shaped eyebrows...

Sommerpflege für schöne Wimpern

Summer care for beautiful eyelashes

Summer is here, and with it come sunny days, refreshing trips to the beach and hot temperatures. However, while we protect our skin from harmful UV rays, we often forget to protect our hair from the sun's damaging effects.

Alles was du über Microblading wissen musst

Everything you need to know about microblading

Microblading offers a semi-permanent solution for fuller and more defined eyebrows. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about microblading: what it is, how it's done, the benefits, and the risks...

Der Unterschied zwischen Augenbrauenserum und Wimpernserum

The difference between eyebrow and eyelash serum

We all recognize

beautiful, thick eyelashes and eyebrows as a key feature of attractive faces. While both areas require similar care, there are important differences between eyebrow serums and eyelash serums...

Was ist Augenbrauenserum und wie funktioniert es?

What is eyebrow serum and how does it work?

Dense and well-defined eyebrows are an essential part of an expressive face. An eyebrow serum can help emphasize the eyes and the face overall.

Was ist Wimpernlifting und wie funktioniert es?

Was ist Wimpernlifting und wie funktioniert es?

Wenn du nach einer Möglichkeit suchst, deine natürlichen Wimpern zu betonen und ihnen mehr Schwung und Volumen zu verleihen, ohne auf künstliche Wimpernverlängerungen zurückzugreifen, könnte..
Wimpernserum vs Wimpernlifting: Was ist besser für dich?

Wimpernserum vs Wimpernlifting: Was ist besser für dich?

Schöne, volle Wimpern sind der Traum vieler Frauen. Doch welche Methode eignet sich besser, um diesen Traum zu verwirklichen..
Warum du ein Wimpernserum verwenden solltest: Die 5 größten Vorteile

Why you should use an eyelash serum: The 5 biggest advantages

Eyelash serum can give you longer, healthier eyelashes. It extends the growth cycle of your eyelashes, which means more length. It is packed with nutrients that strengthen your eyelashes, reducing breakage and loss.